Three Insights From Women in Healthcare Tech

Meghan Stiling

Meghan Stiling

Chief Digital Officer

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Last week, I had the opportunity to join the panel of Women in Tech: Healthcare, an event hosted at Nerdery’s Phoenix office, to discuss technology’s impact on healthcare and patient experiences.

There was a universal energy at the event around building momentum and challenging the way we think within the healthcare technology industry.

Through diverse voices and leading-edge technology, it’s more than possible to improve the healthcare journey and help ensure exceptional patient experiences. One of my fellow panelists, Christina Noble, CGO for Sonora Quest, said it best: “At the end of the day, I’m in healthcare because I want to make a difference for people and their families.”

Want to hear more insights? Watch the full-length panelist video.

Three key takeaways that benefit healthcare organizations

01 - Redefine your care experiences.

As we know, the pandemic has seismically shifted the way we understand our patient and provider experiences. Organizations had to pivot to focus more on patient experience with virtual care platforms, digital front doors, and good data. But the question remains一how can you seamlessly integrate these digital capabilities into a patient’s life while also making them accessible, desirable and relevant?

One solution? Harness the right mix of qualitative and quantitative data so that you can get the complete picture of your digital experience. Healthcare organizations can benefit from implementing and following an analytics measurement plan to identify success more easily.

Another strategy is to approach your technology from parallels一looking to other industries for guidance. For example, the travel/hospitality and foodservice industries have mastered seamless appointment-scheduling experiences that have set the standard for all industries. There’s a benefit to learning from these other industries and technologies with transferable offerings and functionalities.

02 - Build momentum to innovate.

Change is unyielding. And the wants and needs of patients are constantly shifting. For many healthcare organizations, the speed at which they’re currently delivering digital services can make it nearly impossible to stay ahead. Achieving agility requires a cultural mindset that starts at the top to challenge long-standing processes and streamline the decision-making process.

Innovation starts with ideas, ideas that come from diverse voices that can help develop the necessary momentum for true innovation. We’re starting to see this as more women and people of color are stepping into leadership roles within the healthcare industry, bringing new perspectives around access, customer focus, and customer engagement.

03 - Access to accurate data.

Since the start of the pandemic, both patients and government organizations have a greater need for access to health records, information, and longitudinal data. However, healthcare platforms may not be able to support and supply information in a timely, confidential, and compliant manner. With that said, it’s never been more crucial to ensure existing systems are modernized and efficiently connected so that data is accurate.


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